Preserving Heritage and Strengthening Communities with Our Fund

Sunflower Tax Credit Equity, LLC is an entity managed by historic tax credit and real estate experts who have a combined 60+ years of experience working with the Federal Historic Tax Credit program, both as developers and legal advisors. Our Federal Historic Tax Credit equity fund offers developers the opportunity to rehabilitate their historical properties and help close the financing gap between the cost of the rehabilitation and its return on investment.

Our investment in historic redevelopment projects helps restore and preserve historic properties to strengthen and support communities across the nation while our investors benefit from attractive returns with a positive impact on the communities in which we invest.

Revitalizing Local Communities

For Investors

Find out how to invest in historic property projects and benefit from tax credits with our equity fund

Historic Developers

Explore our network of experts and connect with top development partners for your next historic project

Tailored Investments for Historic Preservation

Expertise in Navigating Federal Tax Credit Projects

While we have no set limit on size of investment per project, our ideal investment will be in the $500,000 – $3,000,000 range. Our focus on relatively small rehabilitation projects sets us apart from other Federal Historic Tax Credit investors in the market.

Having developed over twenty historic buildings in the past 15 years, our ability to help navigate the historic tax credit process brings simplicity to a complex program.

Proven Success

Combined, Sunflower projects have generated approximately $25 million of Federal Historic Tax Credits.




Federal HTCs

A Vital Tool for Preservation and Economic Growth

Established in 1978, the Federal Historic Tax Credit program has successfully implemented a national policy of preserving our historic resources. It is the most significant investment the federal government makes toward the preservation of our historic buildings. In addition to preserving historic buildings, the HTC revitalizes communities and spurs economic growth, all while returning more to the Treasury than it costs, $1.20 in tax revenue for every dollar invested. It is a critical ingredient for historic preservation building strong communities.

Over the life of the program, the historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC) has:

  • Facilitated the rehabilitation of over 42,000 certified historic buildings;
  • Created more than 3.2 million good-paying local jobs;
  • Attracted more than $90 billion in new private capital to the historic core of cities and towns across the nation;
  • Leveraged $235 billion in private investment in our communities;
  • Used $27.5 billion in tax credits to generate more than $32.4 billion in federal tax revenue; and
  • Preserved more than 49,000 buildings that form the historic fabric of our nation.

Source: National Trust for Historic Preservation website –

To be eligible for
the Federal HTC Program
A building must be 50+ years old and have certified historic significance
To be eligible for
the Federal HTC Program
A building must be rehabilitated to the Secretary of Interior's standards
To be eligible for
the Federal HTC Program
A building must be used for income-producing purposes for 5+ years after rehabilitation